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Lucy Loydell

After forty five consecutive days working on this project I have decided to shift from daily drawings/paintings to "whenever I feel like it". This is because I want to have more time to work on other projects but I don't want to halt this project completely. Whenever I want to draw something from my daily life it will become part of my diary project and will be numbered and dated accordingly. I am glad that I managed to keep up the daily art for as long as I did, but I often felt constrained by the subject matter. I think that now I know I have the willpower for this sort of project it will have a positive effect on the quantity of work I make in the future.

the most recent addition to my diary project (all entries available on my instagram)

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Lucy Loydell

I don't know if all creative people feel like this, but I often wonder if I'm enough of an artist. I feel like I don't love art as much as I should. I would generally rather visit a garden than an art gallery, I tend to describe things in words rather than images and I rarely reach for my paints for comfort when I'm feeling sad. Of course I enjoy art while I'm doing it, but sometimes it feels like a chore. I expect it's because I'm studying it at university so I end up associating it with grades and deadlines (which is not the point of art at all) and worrying whether an artwork is "good" instead of whether I like it.

I suppose I need to give myself space to do the art I want to do, the problem is I'm not entirely sure what kind of art that is. I know I like landscapes and fantasy but I need to figure out how I want to paint them. Most of all I need to work out how to stop thinking like a student and start thinking like an artist.

This image is part of my Diary Project, updated weekly on my Instagram (link on my contact page)

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Lucy Loydell

I've decided to start a new project to help me build a daily art habit. Every day I will do at least one drawing or painting from life. The only real rule is that I can't rearrange anything before starting because I want the images to be as authentic as possible. I have completed seven drawings and two paintings so far, all from my bedroom, but I plan to do more in other parts of my house as well as some portraits of my family. I don't have an end date for this project, I might drop it at the end of the summer or it might me something I continue for the rest of my life.

Thanks for reading, if you are interested in seeing updates on this project each week I would suggest following me on Instagram! You can find a link on my contact page.

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